
New Smoke Alarm Laws - Effective from 1 January 2022

  New Smoke Alarm Laws - Effective from 1 January 2022 Smoke alarms, or smoke detectors have been mandatory since 2007. The technology has changed significantly since then. According to the ABC " Most alarms installed in residential homes currently are the older ionisation style, powered by a 9 volts battery ." There are still many homes in Queensland and around the Gold Coast using these outdated smoke alarms. The Queensland government aims to make " Queensland households the safest in Australia in relation to fire safety ". How does this affect you?  Here is a summary of who the new legislation applies to: * New domestic dwellings * Properties that are undergoing substantial renovations * All rental properties Even if you are do not fit into one of the above 3 categories, it would be worthwhile considering upgrading your smoke detectors anyway. It is generally recommended you replace your smoke detector after 10 years , according to Fire & Rescue NSW. It might...
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